July MLS Outlook: MLS Housing Statistics, plus Paragon Tips and Tricks


July Edition: MLS Statistics, plus Paragon Tips and Tricks, and Meet Your Team

Dear Members,

As we continue our dedication to your success, we are pleased to provide you with the tools you need to keep you one step ahead. San Diego MLS is proud to bring you the local, San Diego County stats you want. Below you will find a link to sign up to receive local area stats delivered to you via text message. Pick one, or all 11 areas - it's up to you.

In this issue’s "Tips and Tricks" you’ll find directions on how to brand emails sent through Paragon. This trick keeps your contact information front and center so your clients can easily reach you when they fall in love with the dream home you’ve sent to them.

I’d also very much like for you to meet your San Diego MLS Tech Support Manager, Gary Bild. If you have called into Tech Support during the past 21 years, there is a good chance Gary has assisted you with your technical issues. Gary is an important part of our team and available to help you with any of your Paragon questions.

I hope you’re having a wonderful summer sales season. Thank you for being our member.

Yours respectfully,
Daina Moore
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Sign Up to Get San Diego County Housing Statistics on Your Phone

In an effort to keep our members informed, SDMLS is posting San Diego County housing statistics to our social media outlets and SDMLS.com twice a week. If you are looking for additional market information, you can sign up to receive statistics via text for up to 11 regional areas on a weekly basis by clicking here, entering your information, and choosing the area(s) you are interested in.
Sign Up For Stats


Branding matters! Add an email signature to your Paragon today.

Ensure your contacts have your contact info at their fingertips. 

1) Go to preferences and click on email. 
2) In the email section click on email signature and click +Add New. 
3) Then complete your signature on the editor, give it a name, click the check box to set it as your default signature and click save.

Meet Your Technical Support Manager: Gary Bild


Gary Bild is San Diego MLSs longest standing employee with 21 years of MLS Technical Support experience. Gary considers himself a "Military Brat" having lived all over the United States before his family settled down in San Diego. Gary enjoys building and fixing things, from computers to Volkswagen engines. Gary proudly served as a volunteer Reserve Police Officer for 18 years.

Gary has not lost his enthusiasm when it comes to assisting members with their MLS technical needs. Gary lives by the Optimist's Creed – "Promise yourself to forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the Greater Achievements of the Future."

Paragon General Communication:
Support Discontinued for Internet Explorer 11

Recent analytics indicate less than 5% of Paragon users login via Internet Explorer (IE) 11*. Consequently, Black Knight will officially discontinue support for IE 11, effective August 1. If users call Customer Care with a browser related issue involving IE, they will be asked to update to a supported browser.

Current Supported Browsers:
Firefox: 63.0.3
Chrome: 70.0.3538.102
Microsoft* Edge: 42.17134.1.0
Safari: 10.1.2

*Note, Microsoft recommends MS Edge as their browser and are only planning to support IE 11 for backwards compatibility purposes.

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